Mikhail Faynerman
from the Russian by Alex Cigale
Freud's characters entirely resemble real people-
they envy, bicker, and bluster:
and what is it
that they want from their master?
Did he not tell them
how difficult it is
each of us smoked by his lonesome
inflating his fourteen years up
blowing fire through the nervous system
blowing smoke with all our might:
Lord, please help me….
Mikhail Faynerman was born in Moscow in 1946 and died in 2003
after a protracted and difficult illness. In parallel with his
interest in Zen Buddhism and its literature, from the early 1970s
he began to develop a poetic style unique in Russian, following
in the tradition of such American poets as Ezra Pound, W. C. Williams,
and Allen Ginsberg. His only published book was The Finch
in Flight (Moscow: Geo, 1995).