Twin Tan Dogs, Obedience & Discipline
by Lynn Strongin
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A modern, mystical bestiary of brilliant poems, alive with animals and human life as Lynn has lived it. “Her style is highly disciplined, intelligent and accessible. Her current intention is to write in forms which are hymns in the broadest sense. Although her style is highly controlled, it still produces surprises: imaginative, almost surreal leaps between disparate images. Things as ordinary as books with clear cellophane library bindings are suddenly illuminated.” (Roberta Berke, critic, London U.K. editor BOUNDS OUT OF BOUNDS: A Compass for new American and British Poetry, Oxford Press.) (Substitute are shown for original cover.)
The fast the slow, the tall & low the tallow
milk with silver flaws of flowers nib on parchment, yellow.
Those with cleft hoof those with an eye that doesn’t close properly. Those drawn on a plate with a nib
dipped in blood crimson those in muted colors. Fate
is simply what happens: ask the Greeks. I am the Jew, one who works hard binding wounds.
Ice circles melt to drinking pools.
St Francis’ birds drawn mystically, filmically, hands the template
for all that is drawn
in us….
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