


Current Issue


Editorial Note




Jeffrey Zable

The Agreement

“We have to enjoy life in spite of the fact that all comes to an end!”

my friend said to me yesterday while we sat outside eating our burgers

and french fries.

“This ketchup bottle is empty!” I responded with an irritated expression.

“I’m going inside and get another one.”

“Wait a second!” he exclaimed, and turned the bottle upside down,

shook it a few times, and then spanked it several times with his open palm.

“Try it now!” he said, and when I did, there was plenty of ketchup

for my hamburger and fries.

“I’ll bet that tons of ketchup is wasted in a day because people

don’t think of doing what you just did!“ I confessed to my friend,

who nodded in agreement. . .

Next Poem

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