


Current Issue


Editorial Note




Brittney Corrigan

Triolet of Questions from My Son with Asperger's

Are you the tallest in your family?
Who's taller-you or someone you don't know?
Do you think you might be taller than me?
Are you the tallest in your family?
When I grow up, just how tall will I be?
Just tell me. You can use your hands to show.
Are you the tallest in your family?
Who's taller-you or someone you don't know?

8 weeks

You are my little skeleton,
your toes beginning to number,

your sand assembling to bone.
You have elbows. I hear your heartbeat

for the very first time, a quick
swish swish of liquid into matter.

You are bathing your new bones.
I am bathing you between mine.

Next Poem



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