


Current Issue


Editorial Note




Vanessa Gebbie

Too late for fruit

Let us cross over the river and sit in the shade
of the trees

I must go in, the fog is rising
I see black light

Do you hear the rain?

Turn up the lights, I don't want to go home in the dark

Please know that I am quite aware of the hazards
Does nobody understand?

Too late for fruit
too soon for flowers.

It is very beautiful over there. I am ready.
Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

Tell them I said something.

People's last words hold a resonance. Put many together and the resonance deepens, echoes, becomes a chorus…and poet becomes choir master. Thanks to the following voices: Stonewall Jackson, Amelia Earhart, Emily Dickinson, Victor Hugo, Jessica Dubroff, O Henry, Thomas Edison, Louis B Meyer, Pancho Villa, Woodrow Wilson and Walter de la Mare.

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