


Current Issue


Editorial Note




Poems by Mark Young


The Pursuit of Science

Later it came out
that all those weekends he
spent in the laboratory
were given over to
making amphetamines. Until then
we were all slightly in awe
of his dedication to the pursuit of science
& definitely puzzled by the
Monday practical classes where
the students arrived bleary
but came alive quite speedily
once they started using the equipment.



The Bottom Line

Still, in the
breath of
in the breadth of an eye
you come dancing
a light fandango
with your dress
pressed against you
like an optometrist's chart
I can read easily
except & only for
the bottom line
where I am forced
to improvise.



Mercator's Projection


means moving to a different latitude
& longitude

& begs the question


if we can be allowed so much
of the first

is there never
any of the latter




Defying Karma

What was
now is; nothing
much that we can
do about it.

What is
once was; &
there were a
multitude of things
we could have done.



Next Poem



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