


Current Issue


Editorial Note




Poems by Duane Ackerson


A Spruce Taunting the Sky

The spruce has turned on
its blue flame,
igniting the wings of the sky;
vastness spirals upward,
a hawk trying to escape
its own claws.

It's hard to look up
without seeing yourself below,
a dark speck, small but clearly outlined,
being swallowed by the snow.



For Edith

Gone over twenty years,
you still visit my wife in her dreams
where she reminds you
that you're dead
and you remind her
that you're more alive
than most people we know
walking about
carrying leaky sacks
of rationalization.

Early composter,
I can see you out burying garbage,
rebuilding the ground --
shaky but still here --
we stand on.



Tall Tale

In autumn, seeing a really nice leaf on a nearby tree,
the river slows down
to wait for it.



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